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Professional choice NBSEROL SPD TOP-L...Professional choice NBSEROL SPD TOP-L...

Professional choice NBSEROL SPD TOP-L...


SPC  TOP-LIGHT  *M  is  a  full-cycle  top-lighting  solution  for commercial cannabis cultivation, which finds its applications to a wide range of scenarios, from vegetative growth to high light intensities in bloom.

It is recommended that SPC TOP-LIGHT *M be deployed in environments where  the  CO²  supplementation,  due  to  high PPFD levels, is between 1000-1600 ppm in the reproductive stage.

SPC TOP-LIGHT 2M is built on the basis of the SPA/SPB/SPCx

PLUS performance of the previous generation.

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SPC UNDER CANOPY *P is a full-cycle top-lighting solution for commercial cannabis cultivation, which finds its applications to a wide range of scenarios, from vegetative growth to high light intensities in bloom.
It is recommended that SPC UNDER CANOPY *P be deployed in environments where the CO² supplementation, due to high PPFD levels, is between 1000-1600 ppm in the reproductive stage.
SPC UNDER CANOPY *P is built on the basis of the SPA/SP- B/SPCx PLUS performance of the previous generation.

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Highest efficency NBSEROL SPD PRO 640...Highest efficency NBSEROL SPD PRO 640...

Highest efficency NBSEROL SPD PRO 640...


FOLDING  PRO  8P  is  a  full-cycle  top-lighting   solution  for commercial cannabis cultivation, which finds its applications to a wide range of scenarios, from vegetative growth to high light intensities in bloom. It is recommended that FOLDING PRO 8P be deployed in environments where the CO² supplementation, due to high PPFD levels, is between  1000-1600 ppm in the reproductive stage. SPD FOLDING PRO 8P is built on the basis of the SPA/SPB/SPC/SPDx PLUS performance of the previous generation.

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Top quality NBSEROL SPD 8P 1000W LED ...Top quality NBSEROL SPD 8P 1000W LED ...

Top quality NBSEROL SPD 8P 1000W LED ...


FOLDING  PRO3  8P is a  full-cycle top-lighting solution for commercial cannabis cultivation, which finds its applications to a wide range of scenarios, from vegetative growth to high light intensities in bloom.
It is recommended that FOLDING PRO3 8P be deployed in environments where  the  CO²  supplementation,  due  to  high PPFD levels, is between 1000-1600 ppm in the reproductive stage.
SPD FOLDING PRO3 8P is built on the basis of the SPA/SP- B/SPC/SPDx PLUS performance of the previous generation.

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Best choice NBSEROL SPD 10P 1000W LED...Best choice NBSEROL SPD 10P 1000W LED...

Best choice NBSEROL SPD 10P 1000W LED...


FOLDING  PRO3  8P is a  full-cycle top-lighting solution for commercial cannabis cultivation, which finds its applications to a wide range of scenarios, from vegetative growth to high light intensities in bloom.
It is recommended that FOLDING PRO3 8P be deployed in environments where  the  CO²  supplementation,  due  to  high PPFD levels, is between 1000-1600 ppm in the reproductive stage.
SPD FOLDING PRO3 8P is built on the basis of the SPA/SP- B/SPC/SPDx PLUS performance of the previous generation.

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Professional choice NBSEROL SPD VEG 3...Professional choice NBSEROL SPD VEG 3...

Professional choice NBSEROL SPD VEG 3...


SPD FLODING PROVEG 6P Is a clone or veg top-lighdngsoluton for commercal cannabis cultivaton, whichfinds its applications to a wide range of scenarios, fromclone to vegetative growth stage.
It Is recommended that SPD FOLDING PROVEG 6P bedeployed In environments where the Co-supplemen-taton, due to high PPFD levels, Is between 500-1200pm In the reproductive stage. SPD FOLDING PROVEG6P Is bullt on the basis of the SPA/SPB/SPC/SPDX PLUSperformance of the previous generaton.

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Most intelligent cost-effective NBSER...Most intelligent cost-effective NBSER...

Most intelligent cost-effective NBSER...


SPIDER PLUS 8P is a full-cycle top-lighting solution for commercial cannabis cultivation’ which finds its appli- cations to a wide range of scenarios’ from vegetative growth to highlight intensities in bloom.
Itisrecommendedthat SPIDER PLUS8Pbedeployedin environments where the Co2 supplementation’ due to high  PPFD levels’ is between 1000-1600 ppm in the reproductive stage. SPF SPIDER PLUS 8P is built on the basis  of  the  SPA/SPB/SPC/SPD/SPEx  PLUS  perfor- mance of the previous generation.

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